Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vintage Collingwood Ware. Groovy Baby!

I snagged these a few months ago at Goodwill.                                                                                        They have what looks like the date of this design printed on the bottom. 8-8-76. There's definitely a mid '70's vibe going on here, so I may be right on the mark.
What's missing is the name of the pattern. If anyone knows, please tell me!


  1. i believe this pattern is a perfect example of what is known as: far western tacky gaudy fake-floural grandma Moses's toilet-accessory bufoonery.

  2. It gets a slight bump upwards in the "cachet" category for being English.

  3. Being a child of the 70s... I thought there wasn't any design from that era worth salvaging... I'm still think that... but this stuff is fun! LOL! Oh, And thanks for the term Sleaze-Lounge! Perfect!
